How do we know when we have passion for something?
- We think about the passion-interest continually, fluidly, persistently.
- We really WANT to be successful in that endeavor (whatever it is).
- We easily get lost in the pursuit, often completely losing track of time.
- We have an intense desire to connect with others who share the same passion.
- We dig and dig to learn more and get better in that field of interest.
- We talk or write about our passion-interest all the time, eager to share what we've learned.
- We are energized by the passion-interest, despite spending so much energy on it.
- We feel attracted to it rather than pushed to it (it's as if it is our magnet).
- We experience a deep sense of purpose while engaged in our passion-interest.
Passion is a critical component in our being able to feel fully self-actualized.
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