By Nelson Coulter
Funny how I’ve gotten much
more attentive to research on the aging process in the last few years. As part of that heightened interest I have
become familiar with a good bit of information on the nature and capabilities
of the human brain. One thing that is
abundantly clear is that our brains (even those that have some age on them,
like mine) have a tremendous capacity to LEARN new things.
For a long time, neurological
and cognitive researchers believed that the brain’s plasticity and malleability
would peek and reach a plateau between the ages of 20 and 30; from there it would
coast into a slow and steady decline for the rest of one’s life. However, our most current understanding of
the brain has debunked that view. We now
know that the brain can continue to learn, to build new connections, and to
remain very energetic throughout one’s life.
Similar to other dimensions of our lives (e.g., physical, spiritual,
emotional), we have significant ability to impact the vitality of our brains
through some conscious choices we make.
That new understanding has
caused me to engage in some careful reflection on how best to keep my brain
growing, stretching, and learning even into the golden years. Let me share some of the choices I have made
for my brain, to that end.
Be curious. Learning to be inquisitive and at the same
time trying to suspend any previously held conceptions or assumptions is an
exercise in mental acrobatics. I have
tried to learn to ask many and better questions of those who know things of
interest to me. As well, the Internet
has provided us all with handy access to the sum of all human knowledge, which
most of us now carry around in our pockets. I have been re-training myself to
go beyond just wondering about things (like how a windmill works, or how peanut
butter is made, or how to change the oil filter on a 1953 John Deere tractor,
etc.) and to actively seek the
answers to those interesting questions.
You probably have a lot of the same kinds of questions. Amazingly, those answers are now readily
available to ALL of us, almost instantly.
READ! I have committed myself to a persistent
regimen of reading. Reading a wide range
of literature is part of that decision. I have found that mixing genres and
reading fiction and non-fiction at the same time has caused my brain to engage
in something similar to what is known as fartlek training in the physical
fitness world (look it up!). This
exercise has caused my brain to make a lot of connections I would not have
considered previously. Reading is simply
the most efficient method of learning known to mankind.
Write. Through my many years as an educator, I have
become convinced that there is not more cognitively challenging task we ask of
students than to learn to communicate well through the writing process. (No, I
am not an English teacher). The task of
organizing what we know and believe inside our own minds and presenting that
information in a coherent, sensible, and crystal clear way in written form to
others is a most challenging exercise. (Engaged in that activity right now).
Embrace novelty. The brain naturally enjoys new stimuli, of all kinds. Consequently, I have determined to expose my
brain to new environments and situations.
(Choosing to read in a variety of genres is an example of this strategy). Going to new places, meeting new people,
tasting new foods, listening to new kinds of music have all provided me with
some interesting “energy” as I become aware of my brain working to make sense
of these new and interesting stimuli.
The brain constantly engages in a process of trying to categorize,
compare, and contrast the new information with what it has previously
experienced. In effect, sense making.
Engage with many people (the smarter the better). This concept is closely
related to the one above. Humans are
clearly one of God’s most interesting “inventions.” We come in a million variations of size,
shape, and color. Similarly, our brains
are just as diverse as our external qualities.
Making myself engage with more people has proven to be a very useful and
healthy exercise for my brain. This
choice has been one of the more difficult for me, because engaging others
(especially strangers) forces me well outside my comfort zone. Think of it as “vegetables” for your brain.
Get better, on purpose. Being on a
journey of continuous personal and professional improvement has been an
evolutionary process for me.
Interestingly, it naturally flows from engaging in the purposeful
activities I’ve already shared with you.
In a strange sort of way, the more I have exposed myself to in the way of
brain stimuli, the more aware I have become of my need to grow, stretch, engage
– to LEARN! I have learned that,
contrary to commonly held beliefs, I do not have to be simply “the way I am”
(to quote from a Merle Haggard standard).
I have the power to be who I choose
to be, if I am willing to challenge my brain (and my body and my spirit) in
purposeful efforts at growth. The
goal? I can be a better husband, dad, granddad, son, friend,
superintendent, professor, rancher, etc., IF
I choose to be.
My vocation and my avocation
is that of being an educator, a person whose fundamental mission is to aid and
abet learning in others. (Cool job,
huh?). Consequently, this stuff about
how my brain works is pretty important.
It’s just an added benefit that my learning in that regard has such
interesting connections and impact on my life as a whole.
Perhaps you can find connections
for yourself in my experiences and rambling.