By Nelson Coulter
Can we fix a floundering
educational system?
As an educator in public
schools for over 30 years, with the benefit of some deep scars and lengthy
hindsight, I am coming to an ever-clearer conclusion about the education of our
nation’s children.
In a global economy, those
who provide goods and services must do so in a way that is responsive to the
marketplace. Consumers want good
products/services at a fair price, and they want variety and choice in their
options. They want those
products/services right now! And, they
want those products/services to have a degree of customization and
When entities of any kind
focus on their internal processes rather than on the customer’s desired outcomes,
they essentially choose to make themselves irrelevant to current and potential clients
(i.e., market share).
Many in the education
profession will challenge my assertion that education is in a competitive
marketplace. I believe their challenge
is premised on a flawed assumption.
Choice in education has always been an option, for some. Historically, it has only been an option for
the wealthy and/or highly educated.
Those bases always placed a premium on quality education (at least, on a
diploma from selected institutions).
What the global economy is doing to education is the same thing it has done
in the other marketplaces – it has provided variety, choice, customization,
personalization, relevance, and affordability to those who previously did not
have the option of “shopping.”
Just as the U.S. Postal
Service has evolved itself into a black fiscal hole (noble intentions
notwithstanding), I believe public education has been working itself toward the
same end. (I am not picking on the Postal Service out of some particular malice.
There is a plethora of governmental entities that I could use to draw the same
Government does have a
critical role to play in education.
Democratic ideals sustain best with an educated electorate. The role of government (the more local, the
better) is to ensure the availability of a quality school, to guarantee the
accessibility of all students to that school, to insist that the school is
staffed by appropriately credentialed teachers, to provide an agreed upon
foundational curriculum, and to establish accreditation criteria that monitor
all the elements listed above.
To quote former Speaker of
the U.S. House of Representatives, Tip O’Neill,
“All politics are local.” His point was that local issues and local
politicians were the real drivers behind regional, state, and national issues,
not the other way around. I would argue
that the same is true of education, though we seem to have been engaged in a
decades-long experiment of trying it the “other way around.”
Let me return to the analogy
of the U.S. Postal Service. It has found
itself in an untenable position fundamentally because it failed to adapt to the
changing needs and desires of its client base, preferring to continue with its
model of service that was created for a different era. The U.S. Postal Service got into this
predicament precisely because it viewed itself as the only option for its
client base. I believe that public
education (as we have known it) will fall (in fact, is falling) victim to the same demise by that very sort of
contextual blindness. If we, the public
education sector, continue to act as if we have a captive audience and perform
as if we need not be responsive to the needs of our current clientele (not the
clientele that existed 10, 20, or 30 years ago), those customers SHOULD leave us. (Recall the fall of Blockbuster and the
evaporation of Polaroid, to state just two examples of death by adaptive
So, back to my original
question - Can we fix a floundering educational system? My answer is a qualified “yes.”
Here’s where I think
Education differs from the U.S. Postal Service.
It is not too late for us – Education - to remake ourselves. The smart money is on local schools that adapt
and deliver education that is relevant to the real world their students will live in. It’s a messy and challenging process, but at
Guthrie CSD we’re attempting to do just that.