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Monday, December 26, 2016


Practice makes perfect.  We've all heard it, right?  The corollary is that it's perfect practice (not just practice) that makes perfect.  Probably heard that too, huh?  The truth is, however, that practice simply makes us better (not perfect) at whatever it is we're practicing. 

That said, our habits are a form of practice.  Our habits betray our intentions (whether those intentions are conscious or unconscious, noble or nefarious).  Our habits (our practices) make us incrementally better at whatever it is we're practicing.

If our practice is healthy eating, we get better at it (but never perfect). 
If we practice forgiveness, we get better at it (but never perfect). 
If we practice at archery, we get better at it (but never perfect).  
If our habit is skepticism, we get better at it (but never...). 
If our habit is service, we get better at it (but never...). 
If our habit is hatefulness, we get better at it (but...). 
If our prabit is respectfulness, we get better at it. 
If our prabit is optimism, we get better at it. 
If our prabit is sarcasm, we get better at it. 

Not only do we get to choose our prabits, we DO choose.  Daily.  

What have we chosen to be better at?

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