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Monday, January 20, 2025


The airline industry uses the phrase "cascading effect" to explain airplane crashes. The assertion is that it's rarely just one thing that brings down an aircraft. Rather, it's one small thing that triggers another small failure that results in yet another malfunction until .... the cascading of all those small things becomes too much for the plane to remain airborne.

As individuals, and as organizations, we also witness the cascading impact of the decisions we made and are making on a daily basis. That cascading can be moving us toward failure, or toward success.

Engaging in reflection on the choices made decades ago, years ago, months ago, and minutes ago can be most enlightening with regard to the next decision(s) we make. 

Looking in a clear-eyed and honest way at the results we're currently getting is the first and best step to inform our next decision. There's plenty of data to consider, and not nearly all of it exists in spreadsheet form.

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