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Monday, September 16, 2019


I have been the beneficiary of some powerful mentoring over the years.  It has come from some of the following protagonists: parents, grandparents, teachers, faith leaders, coaches, friends, and professional colleagues.

That vast mentoring (which still continues, I might add) is imbued with some commonalities worth noting:

> Success oriented - the mentors had my ultimate success/effectiveness as objecctive.
> Trust - our interactions were and are solidly grounded in trust.
> Transparency - those mentors consistently shared their thinking freely, honestly, openly.
> Kindness - critical assessments/evaluations were always tempered with kindness.
> Optimism - a better tomorrow, performance, and me is always the objective.
> Flexibility - working within my unique strengths and abilities was an assumption; my mentors weren't trying to turn me into someone else.

I am eternally thankful for the mighty mentoring I have received over the years.

Paying it forward is a moral obligation.

*If you'd like to read more of nc's blatherings, go to www.nelsonwcoulter.com.

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