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Saturday, August 19, 2017


One of the nice things about working at the school house (aka, being an educator) is that we get a fresh start each school year.

New schedules (yet they're mostly the same as the past ones).
New schools perhaps (yet they're mostly the same as the past ones).
New students (yet they're mostly the same as the past ones).
New teachers (yet they're mostly the same as the past ones).
New administrators (yet they're mostly the same as the past ones).

So, what's so special, so energizing, about starting a new school year?  It's the intuitive understanding that we get the chance to commence anew, to do it better, to deploy our skills more effectively, to practice our craft with more prowess.

Truth:  We can start fresh each school year; but, we can also begin anew each semester or each term or each week or each day or each class period or each minute.

We all (not just educators) have the opportunity to intentionally make the next minute/hour/week/year better than the last one.  

It's simply a choice to be/do/think/act/speak better, on purpose, each day.  Choices for "better" pay some really nice dividends.

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