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Monday, February 3, 2025


Grand plans and lofty projects are often hatched as result of stakeholder conversations. Most of them look and feel extremely important. Some are.

Far too often they are codified (in a three-ring binder) and put on a shelf, usually somewhere in the Boss's office or on a buried page of the website.

Then..........................they die. 

Why? Some reasons that plans/projects die:

  • No one is assigned to lead and be the champion of the project.
  • The project "champion" has little or no authority act upon.
  • Resistors (there are always resistors) are given too much moxie.
  • Insufficient, or no, resources are allocated to the project.
  • Forecasting the barriers and challenges never happens.
  • The plans (which usually mean significant change of some kind) never get consistently and clearly communicated.
  • The plan/project is never, or rarely, monitored after the initial crafting.
There is much wisdom in the old metaphor of "sand castles"....

Execution is a craft (the combo of science + art). A learnable skill, if we wish to learn it. And MUCH harder than the crafting of the plan.

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