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Friday, January 8, 2021

FB Approuver

“Eat what your body needs. More importantly, STOP eating what your body doesn’t need.”  

Those are the wise words of my physician friend, Dr. Ben Edwards, of Veritas Health Community.  I have taken Ben’s advice to heart since 2012. And, my physical health and wellbeing have shown subsequent positive effect.


I have long believed that our “nutrition” also impacts our “health and wellbeing” in the cognitive and emotional-spiritual dimensions of our lives.  We Are What We Eat, truly, whether that consumption is in the form of physical food, or in our intellectual intake, or in our emotional-spiritual diet.


I have chosen to stay of Facebook to try to be a positive influence in an environment that has a ton of negativity flowing through it. So, I remained. I tried. I failed.


I am puzzled by the amount of negativity and vileness that flows through that medium. Often, from people I know, I love, and I am certain are decent human beings. 


So, I’m gonna clean up my diet, so to speak. For those who want to continue to connect with me in the digital environment, I won’t be hard to find. My website will still be active, and about a bazillion of you have my cell number. You won’t, however, find me in another cesspool. Life is too short to swim therein.


Best wishes to you all for a happier, healthier life. Choose well what you consume.

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