Problems happen. They are a part of life. They are most certainly a part of organizational life (probably because we assemble a lot of people together in organizations).
So, how do we deal with problems?
Sometimes we pretend the problems don't exist and hope they magically disappear. This approach almost always bites us on the bum. Ignored problems have a fungal nature to them. Ignoring is bad.
Sometimes we are so distracted with our busyness that we fail to notice a problem. By the time it imposes itself onto our radar screen it has moved from being a manageable issue to a downright dastardly event. Not noticing and being distracted by inconsequential stuff is our downfall on this front. Obliviousness is bad.
Sometimes we are aware of the problem but feel that we are either incapable of interdicting it or that others can/will take care of it. We watch the problem evolve, but remain silent, in hopes that it will get handled by others. Our failure to openly identify it as a problem from the outset almost always becomes a point of regret for us. Avoidance is bad.
Sometimes we notice problems arising and quickly and openly discuss it with those who are involved and/or who will be involved. We ask important questions about the root causes of the problem (without issuing indictments). We seek to clarify if and how the problem, if unresolved, will impact the health and well-being of the organization (and the team players, as individuals). We ask for possible solutions from the team players in and around the center of the "storm." We support, facilitate, cheer, resource the problem solvers. Transparent and attentive engagement is good.
You pick.
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