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Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Speaking as one whose life has been disproportionately blessed, one of the richest of those blessings has been to be given the opportunity to serve on the Guthrie Common School District (GCSD) Team.  

Like most schools, we have a wide range of students, from those that struggle mightily to those who breeze through content with nary a hiccup.  Our goal is to optimize the learning for each, while they are in our charge.  

With the blessing of our GCSD school board and the support of our community, we have decided that WE, not the state, not the federal government, are the ones best positioned and best credentialed to decide what our children should learn.  We call those standards the Guthrie Graduate Profile (GGP).  Here are the five dimensions of the GGP:

  • Learners/Problem Solvers/Critical Thinkers
  • Effective Communicators
  • Persons of Strong Character
  • Valuable and Productive Team Members
  • Compassionate and Responsible Citizens
Our professional educators AND our support staff embark daily on a journey of continuous improvement, of getting better every day, ON PURPOSE, in the interest of creating the very best possible futures for our students.  We use that GGP to guide our work.

Want to see some of what that looks like?  Click here.

Today, we did better than yesterday.  Tomorrow, we intend to get better still.  
On purpose.

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