The very best leaders I know know A LOT. However, they skillfully pull off the art of Not Knowing, in the interest of making better teams and producing better outcomes.
How do these wise, knowledgeable, and experienced leaders practice the occult art of not being know-it-alls? They employ an array of strategies that pull from the rest of us a high level of engagement. These skill leaders tap into our best collective and individual gifts by Not Knowing.
Some of their Not Knowing strategies include...
- Suspend assumptions -- Other than the one that assumes we don't yet know all we need to.
- Curiosity rules -- Each engagement is built on a foundation of curiosity and authentic openness.
- Inquiry steriods -- Proffer deep questions that probe intention, motivation, strategy, forecasts, logistics, challenges, technical considerations, opportunities.
- Learn-centric -- Work always and forever from a position of we-haven't-learned-enough-yet.
- Collective wisdom -- Understand always that we are smarter than any one or few of us.
- LISTEN -- To what is said, and just as importantly, to what is not said.
- Document -- Most of what is not somehow recorded, is lost. Capture thinking, somehow, for future scaffolding and dialogue.
Looks like we have more to learn...
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