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Friday, December 14, 2012

Students and Faculty, Learning/Growing Together

The Guthrie CSD faculty and student body engaged in team learning on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, as has been our practice for the last four years.  Faculty gathered in groups to have dialogue on how they have attempted to address the Guthrie Graduate Profile (GGP) dimensions in their classrooms over the last four months.  As well, discussions were had by the educators about how we might create learning tasks that address the academic curricula while at the same time aligning with the GGP.
     While faculty were learning and thinking together, students were assembled by age groups to engage in learning activities centered on one specific dimension of the GGP:  Effective Communications.  The students were guided in those activities by communications consultant Stephanie Stanley-Allen of Lubbock, Texas, who did a marvelous job of providing students with sound and practical strategies for effectively communicating.   
     The GGP consists of five dimensions, which the Guthrie community has deemed powerful components for living, learning, and earning in a 21st century global environment.  Those five dimensions are: 
·        >  Learners/Problem Solvers/Critical Thinkers
·        >  Effective Communicators
·        > Persons of Strong Character
·        > Productive and Valuable Team Members
·        > Compassionate and Responsible Citizens
     The professional educators of Guthrie have made a serious commitment to creating the best possible futures for our students, by focusing our efforts and resources in an intentional way on the whole child, not just the academic curricula.  In the process, we recognize that the individual growth of the faculty/staff along those GPP dimensions is an important and critical piece in accomplishing that goal. 

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